‘Power’ game?

Catherine A.
5 min readAug 23, 2023


While I was sitting on the couch comforting myself after all that hasty pillar to post movement throughout the day, he came to me with a form in his hand and asked me to fill it. I was amazed. He is the same person who denied assisting me earlier.

What made him change now?

Well, don’t think anything. It is not complicated. Or maybe it is. Today, I had to collect some documents from examination branch. I went there well in time. To my disappointment, I was denied and was asked to come the next day. Due to my other engagements, I didn’t want to waste yet another day in this menial yet inevitable task. I requested him, but he would not listen. Dejected, I stepped back and went away. Since I had to collect some other petty documents as well, I tried to focus more on them. However, I was tensed about the paramount ones.

I called up a connection of mine seeking his help. To my misfortune, he didn’t come today. But he succeeded in sending some other guy for my help. That person came up and kind of showed me a ray of hope that he will make it done. We went there again. To the examination branch. This time that clerk was very rude. If I’m not mistaken, he is the person with no power but with utmost power when it comes to such issues of gullible, dependent students. Both the clerk and my aid were whispering. I was hearing their conversation in bits and pieces which clearly were indicative of some bribery thing. Also, there were mentions of no favours without monetary returns.

By that time, I had already called one of my new acquaintances and she asked to me see her in her office in next 15 minutes. We left from there. In getting other in-charges’ signature, I got late in meeting her. When I went, she was there, utterly benevolent and always smiling. She asked me the problem. And I puked out everything that had happened to me in the whole day. She went out of her office. Meanwhile I was trying to catch my breathe. She returned and said, ‘It’s done. They are working on it. Don’t worry now. You’ll get it.’ For once I felt stupid that I had not approached her earlier. At the same time, I was so full of gratitude. However, there was one more problem. She had asked for one document only. There was still another one left. Hesitantly, I asked her for the same. She then, called her assistant and asked him to call the person who deals with that thing. While I was sitting on the couch comforting myself after all that hasty wandering, he came to me with a form in his hand and asked me to fill it. I was amazed. He is the same person who denied assisting me earlier.

Later, he asked me about my relation to her and that why didn’t tell him earlier about it. Ingenuously, I told him. Myself, still bewildered! But I was so glad. While he was the one who was at fault, I told him sorry out of modesty. I definitely did not think that he would be admonished for it. And I still doubt if he was really admonished.

What made that clerk change? Was it ‘her’ superior authority, the power? Was it her earnest request? Was it her aura there? Or as they joked among themselves, her very capability to file chargesheet, i.e., file a case?

I have no idea of what exactly it was. For me, mam was a messiah without whom I could not have managed to get all those papers. She did it so selflessly. I’ve met her just a few times before. It is her benevolence and welcoming attitude that I could gather the courage to seek her help today for my personal gains which goes strictly against my nature. Usually, I hesitate in calling out people for personal help. I prefer to use my voice for community gains. I thanked her the best way I could. And she was always smiling. (You know what, she is not having any charge over people dealing with the documentation work, yet she made it possible so effortlessly. She has been assigned an office in there and nothing more. Which is why I wonder more about the probable reason behind their cooperation!)

Well, it indeed was a rough day, but I’d still like to call it a successful one. I observed so many things. I got so many lessons and realisations from today’s experience.

The bureaucratic hurdles are inalienable part of our system. Be it any public institutions or even private ones at times. It is not a new thing. Britishers brought this bureaucracy system of administration. It is our misfortune that we’re still living with that very mindset. There are people with no or least powers who you’ll always find bickering and commanding and showcasing their opaque power baton. They can be corrupt, over-authoritative or inhumane given the various aspects and circumstances. They often confuse their duty with a prerogative power. Nevertheless, the true power rules over them. There are a few people in power who help us. That is not exactly help. Rather, there are people who serve their duties decently and do not become a restrain in the smooth functioning of the administration which is the idealistic approach in true sense.

About powers, one is literal power, i.e., the superior authority, the hierarchical position. The other is their real character. The way they treat others. The magnanimity, the generosity, the decency they reflect is indeed what makes them the righteous authority. The third most common form of power is the power of money. You offer bribery and it is done. No more efforts needed. Money can handle it all. Bitter reality!

Here, I would like throw light on yet another concept and it was assented by one of my favourite seniors. Difference between CONNECTIONS and FRIENDS. Nowhere in this write up, I have mentioned friend. I only spoke about connections. So, the thing with connections is that it is mostly ‘give and take’ relationship. If you are being helped, you’ll owe it. You will have to help in return. Not immediately, but sometime in future. In friendship, there is no such thing. Help is a consistent thing with friends but not in the owing sense. Madam who helped me falls in neither category and perhaps, this is the reason I referred to her as messiah.

P.S.: Truly grateful to all those who helped me in completing this cumbersome task of documentation.

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